FMIPA UI Graduated 477 Graduates Academic Year 2017/2018

Thursday (30/8), at the FMIPA UI – Pertamina Multidisciplinary Research Laboratory Building UI Depok Campus, FMIPA UI graduated 477 graduates from undergraduate, master and doctoral programs in the Inauguration Ceremony and Graduation Ceremony Even Semester Academic Year 2017/2018. 94 of them graduated cum laude.

At this event, FMIPA UI released 375 graduates of the undergraduate program, 100 graduates of the master program and 2 graduates of the doctoral program.

In the undergraduate program, 52 graduates were awarded cum laude with the highest Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.96 achieved by Jason Kristiano from the physics study program. Meanwhile, 41 graduates graduated from the cum laude master program with the highest GPA of 4.00 won by Samson Clymton from the physics study program. While the highest GPA (3.97) in the doctoral program was achieved by Destario Metusala.

With this achievement, Jason Kristiano, Samson Clymton and Destario Metusala managed to enter the best graduates of FMIPA UI together with 16 other people.

Dr. rer. nat. Abdul Haris as the Dean led this ceremony. In his remarks, he expressed his congratulations to all graduates, especially graduates with cum laude and best graduates.

To the graduates of FMIPA UI, he advised to continue to innovate and develop themselves wherever they are with the knowledge they have.

According to him, this is important to do, because with the increasing number of graduates of FMIPA UI it should be able to increase the contribution in solving various problems of the nation to advance the nation and state.

And no less important, continued Haris, the alumni must continue to establish relationships and good name of the alma mater.