Enhancing Oil and Gas Business Understanding, FMIPA UI Hold UI PetroChallange

Friday (30/11) FMIPA UI collaborate with Network for Excellence in Training (NExT) Schlumberger hold UI PetroChallenge, which is a competition for students also education event to enhance Oil and Gas Business understanding.

This event held until Saturday (1/12) in the Multidisciplinary Research Laboratory FMIPA UI-PT. Pertamina (Persero) Campus UI, Depok.

As many as 44 participants consisting of UI students and other tertiary institutions participated in this competition. They competed to compete for a total prize of 25 million Rupiah, not only that NexT also provided an opportunity for the champions to take part in training programs on software utilization commonly used in the oil and gas industry.

Besides, there was also Paula Kelly (PetroChallenge Instructor (NExT)), and M. Arief Dharmawan PetroChallenge Project Manager (NExT).

Dr. Techn. Djoko Triyono officially opened this event. He assessed through this event can strengthen the relationship between Industry, Academics, and the future generation. Besides, he said this competition was an effort in developing the human resources in the field of earth exploration.

The participants joined into a team of 3 – 4 people. They are competing and collaborate to find and develop hydrocarbons. Each team acts as an Oil and Gas Company that competing with another company or team. The participants also had the opportunity to use upstream learning simulator, OilSim. OilSim is an online-based Upstream business simulator and consists of 6 stages of challenges.

Dr. Tito Latif Indra, as The Chairman of The Event, said leadership, communication, analysis, decision making, strategy, negotiations, teamwork, marketing, and good team management will be an important role in this competition.

“Every student teams are expected to generate revenue by considering environmental aspects, society, and company obligation,” said Tito.

Related assessment aspects, Tito said, the winning team will choose based on the company combined the highest profit and credibility points. These credibility points are given for every effective decision making, CSR activities, and which acts with sensitivity to the environment.